The Legend of Mara (LoTM) is a game designed exclusively for players who hold "Otherdeed Expanded" NFT and have at least one Otherdeed Expanded in the game. The game has two different modes: "Camp" and "Shatter". The camp is your home base, and your Otherdeed serve as game cards, with slots for Odas from the Otherside, including "Koda", "Mara" and "Kodamara". Assigning a Celestial to your Otherdeed unlocks in-game gameplay that allows you to harvest valuable Deposited Shards. In the Shattered World, you will fight the Broken and gain loot that will help you on your journey. you.
First-time players may only have vessels in their inventory. The Hunter Vessel hatches into the fighting Hunter Mara. The farmer container hatches Farmer Mara, who harvests sediment fragments, and the Enchanter container hatches Enchanter Mara, which increases the efficiency of the surrounding Oda.
Alternatively, you can use Myst, an in-game cryptocurrency that can be purchased through Apecoin, to speed up the process. Once your Mara is ready to hatch, you will see a notification in your inventory reminding you that hatching the Mara will burn the original container's NFT, turning it into a Mara NFT. Follow the instructions and soon you'll have a brand new Mara ready to assign to your otherdeed. Additionally, in addition to Mara, you can assign Koda and Koda Mara to your actions. Mara can only perform its assigned function, but Koda and Kodamara can hunt, farm, or cast magic, but only one at a time.
Depending on your Ohterdeed block tier, there will be 1 to 5 job slots above your team dedicated to Farmer or Hunter Mara. However, regardless of the environment, three dedicated areas will be reserved for the Oda Enchanter, and you can begin assigning Oda by moving the cursor over the desired placement.
Here's how each character contributes to your other adventures:
Hunter Mara use their attack power to protect your Otherdeed expedition from being destroyed by the Breaker, which will increase your total DPS (damage per second). In the lower right corner of the screen you can see the total DPS for each selected Otherdeed. On the bottom left side of your "otherdeed" you can see which types of shards can be collected, and the total harvest rate at the bottom of the middle part of the screen. Enchanters can improve the skills of workers on your "otherdeed". This means your hunters will have higher DPS and your farmers will harvest sedimentary debris faster. You can see the total percentage effect the enchanter has at the bottom of the screen, next to the farming speed and total DPS. Farmer Mara harvests your Otherdeed sediment shards, which you can sell and train when the time is right. Sediment shards can also be transformed into more powerful Kodamara during the Mara catalysis process.
Koda can perform these three functions at a higher power level than Mara or kodamara, providing great buffs to increase your team's overall productivity, making it a powerful team player. In addition, Koda can gain special skills after equipping weapons.
Enter Shattered game mode, which is where you can activate each of your Hunter skills. Click on the cards at the bottom of the screen to see each hunter's attacks, buffs and debuffs, and special abilities. Timing and overlapping your buffs and abilities correctly is key to maximizing damage output. When defeated, Shatter will drop a loot chest containing handy items for future seasons. Higher environmental tiers and other missions will reward you with better loot, while higher damage output relative to other travelers will earn you more loot. Otherdeed will play chess with better loot rewards, and higher damage output relative to other voyagers will earn you more loot. Voyagers who are the fastest on average in terms of how quickly they destroy Shatters each season will boost their rankings in the block and reduce the time they have to wait for new Shatters to appear.
Editor Thinking:
How much is the entry fee for a novice to play this game? Based on the 30/09/2023 exchange rate of Ether to US dollars, it is $1671.87 USD/ETH, and players need to have at least one Otherdeed Expanded NFT, that is, the minimum consumption is $377.84 USD. In addition, the use of vessel(s) is/are inevitable, otherwise you will not be able to get the rewards from the missions. Otherdeed Vessels including hunter vessel, farmer vessel and enchanter vessel all need to be purchased (depending on how aggressive you are), absolutely. It is a high-cost game.
The reason that makes the editor (Micro) most disappointed is that Yuga Labs has made the mistake of HV-MTL Forge again, which is that the waiting time for the game is too long. The gameplay is basically the same It’s similar to a normal breeding game. It requires players’ time and patience. Initially, it takes six days for the vessel to hatch into Mara. I was originally happy to have a new game to play, but at the beginning I have to wait six days, otherwise you have to buy Apecoin. It can be seen that Yuga Labs needs the money so much.😂 The editor has no choice but to wait for these six days... Having said that, the editor still enjoys about the second trip of the Otherside Metaverse, and it will not change my view on the sustainable development of the Otherside Metaverse. I hope Yuga Labs will still focus on the development of the Metaverse. . 😅
Floor price (as of 30/09/2023, based on the day's Ethereum exchange rate for US dollars Calculated to $1,671.87 USD/ETH
Otherdeed Expanded: 0.226 ETH = $377.84 USD
Otherdeed Vessels: 0.1661 ETH (Hunter) = $277.70 USD, 0.338 ETH (Farmer) = $565.09 USD, 0.338 ETH (Enchanter) = $752.34 USD.
Otherside Koda: 3.19 ETH (Hunter) = $5333.27 USD
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